What is Immerse?

Immerse is a diverse ministry experience

Immerse is a service trip in Lincoln, Nebraska designed to engage middle school and high school youth groups in a diverse ministry experience. Participants will serve alongside various churches and organizations in the Lincoln and Omaha area that are seeking to bring about restoration and hope to the hurting. Each day, time will be devoted to training, serving, personal devotions, and group debriefing. Participants will employ a variety of skills and gifts, and hear dynamic stories of life change from local church members. Teams will serve at-risk children and teenagers, homeless, working class poor, incarcerated, refugees, and those struggling with substance abuse. Immerse will raise awareness and challenge students to deepen their relationship with Christ, understand their gifting, and respond to God’s call in their lives.

Immerse is a flexible ministry experience

Immerse is typically a 6-day service trip (Tuesday evening to Sunday afternoon). Each youth group can select a week in June or July that works best for them. They stay at F Street Neighborhood Church in downtown Lincoln, and enjoy being “immersed” in community and ministry for several days. They will be stretched and challenged in the way they view their world, their role in the church, and their relationship with God. Spring break trips are also available.

Immerse is a ministry experience tied to the local church

Immerse is a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) and Reformed Church of America (RCA). Immerse was started in 2014 with grant money made available by the Kingdom Enterprise Zone (KEZ) of Nebraska. Since its beginning, Immerse has been closely tied with F Street Neighborhood Church and the Northern Lighthouse, both CRC Church plants in Lincoln. Groups have come alongside these churches, assisting with outreach programs such as Neighborhood Bible Club at F Street and Charity Autos at the Northern Lighthouse, and also assisting with special projects and needs associated with their grounds and facilities. Most of the families that are served through Immerse are tied with one of these two churches. Worship on Sunday morning is an integral part of the Immerse program because groups can connect with different people they have served and met throughout the week, and they can witness the diversity of the Sunday morning worship service.